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Automatic Soil Compactor BS EN Rammer the automatic soil compactors is designed to provide a fully automaticuniform compaction of standard / modified and CBR specimens assuring conformity withthereference standard.
Compactor is equipped with programmabledigital counter which allows machine to stop at the preset numbers of blows. The height and weight of therammeris adjustable to suit testrequirements. The drop weight is adjustableto 300 mm drop height and is also adjustableto 450mm drop height.The rammer is circular facedwitha50mmdiameterandisadjustableto2.5kg.or
An automaticblow pattern ensures effectivecompaction for each layer of soil andtherammer travels across the mould. The table rotates the mould inequalsteps and the number of blows per layercan beset at the beginning of the testby the digital counter. Userdefined blownumberand in-outdistributionis alsoavailable.
A standard proctor / CBR switch,emergency stop and start push buttons are located beside the blow counter.220V, 50-60Hz,1Ph
Rammer Weight (Kg)- 2.5-4.5
Dimensions(mm)- 640x340x1506
Weight(Kg)- 135
Power(W)- 370