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Theapparatuscomprisesofthefollowing. Loading Unit:
Supplied with load yoke with direct andlever system for applying load. Normal stress capacity 8 kg/sq. cm. Load isapplied either directly or through a counter balanced detachable lever.Provision is made for the load to be appliedeither through a steel ball recessedin the loading pad or direct through a boss on theprecalibrated loading yoke. The loadingunitisprovidedwith Vstrips and roller strips forfrictionless movementof shear box housing.
Comprising direct shear box in twohalves for a square specimen size 60 x 60 x 25mm one pair of plain gripper plates, One pair of perforated gripperplates, one pair of porous stones, one top of loading pad.
Accommodatesthedirectshearboxassembly.Complete withtwoballrollerstrips.
Specimen cutter: for cutting 60x 60 x 25mm. Specimen formlarger samples.Set of weightsto giveanormalstressof 3kg/ larger as following:
Completesetasabovebutwithoutprovingring.Netweight 140 kg.
Highsensitivitycompressionprovingring.Cap200kg. One consolidation dialgauge0.01mmx25mmandone straindial gauge 0.01mm x 25mm OptionalExtras:Additionalsetofweightstogiveanormalstressof5 kg/cm2. Soil sampler for 60mm x 60mm specimenandtestformspadof50.
Porousstonefor60mmx60mmsizesampleavailable in pairs.
Unit is electrically operated togivethefollowing 12rates orstrains.1.25,0.625,0.25,0.125,0.05,