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The Proving rings are made of specialsteel carefullyforged togivemaximumstrengthand machinedto givehighsensitivitycommensuratewith stability ensuringlonglifeandaccuracy.All proving rings are integral typeviz, the loading (outside) bosses areforged integral with the ring body. Thisensures that there is no possibility ofabutment shiftand consequentloss of accuracy in reading that alwaysexists with boltedabutments.
The dial gauge and anvil are mounted onU-brackets clamped to the ring body byset screw. The dial gauge isfitted withaspecialbackcoverandthreadedbush. Whichdoes not permit any shift from the original dialalignment,coaxial withtheloadingbosscentres,thatissetatthefactorybefore calibration.
For all compression proving rings and tensioncompression proving rings up to and including 5 KN capacity the loading bosses have female threading BSP (16TPI)
The bossfaces areground and polished and areplane paralleltowithin0.2mmtotalDTIrun out.Tension compression ringshave theirintegral loading bosses male threaded,1.25 dia, 8tpisquare thread, 1.25 long.Caps are provided for use when loading incompression RepeatabilityisasstipulatedinIS4169Theringsare supplied complete with dial gauge andWorks calibrationChart.Individuallypackedin polished wooden. Boxes. NCCBMCalibration can also be arranged for any proving ring at an additionalcost.Proving rings to meet specialrequirements are also availableonrequest.
Separate polished and ground pair ofLoading Pads FOR Compression ProvingRings and Pair of Shackles forTension ProvingRingsareprovidedtosuiteachprovingring,atextracost.