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Carriesupto7sievesof150or200mmdiameter.Theshaker isdrivenbya1/4 H.P. Motor throughareductiongearimmersedinoil.Thesievetabledoesnotrotatebutis inclined from the verticalaxis and the direction on inclination charges progressively in clockwise direction.Ifthestoppinbelowthe tableisremoved,theshakercan havearotarymotion.Inadditiontothisgyratorymotionofthetable,thereisan upward and downwardmovement ensuring that each square cm of the sieveisutilized. A pair of rods and aholder canbefixedonthetopofthe upper mostsieve,andthus the sieve setinfirmlyheld. Suitable for operation from 230V 50 Hz, SinglephaseA.C. supply.
a) 300mm dia. sieve availableat extra cost
b) Adopter for450mmdia.sieveavailableat extra cost