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The cell is useful for testing 38mm diax 76mm high soil specimen. Transparent Perspex chamber with anvil and loading plunger, the cell is easily opened byreleasing fournuts ofthe tie rods. It is leak proof up to 10kg/cm.sq.Fluidpressure.Anoil plug which can alsobe used as an air ventis provided for introducing a thin layer of oil over water. Thisprovideseffective sealing at the plunger for long durationtests. The cell is fitted withfour sleeve packed valves of novolume change type on the base. Thesevalvesareusedforcellpressure,porewater pressure, drainageorbackpressure.The loading plunger of the cell has dialgauge rest.
· Loading padmade of Perspex for 38mm dia specimens.
· Pair· Split· Sheath· One· For syntheticrubber· Oneplasticdrainagetube.